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  • Friends and family!

  • Fully charged camera, ready for some great photo-ops!

  • Reusable grocery bags for local goods that will be for sale.

  • Small cooler for perishables.

  • Blanket for a countryside picnick.

  • Sturdy shoes and dress to get dirty (you will be on a farm!) 

  • ​Prepare for the weather, farms will be open rain or shine! Grab a poncho or umbrella just in case. 

  • Anitbacterial hand cleanser. Some farms will have it on hand, but its nice to have a backup.

  • Wet wipes, because, well, you can always use them.

  • Wagon, if you have small children, or just for fun!






  • PETS! Please do not bring your pets to the Farm Tour, they may frighten or be frightened by the farm animals.

  • Illegal substances and/or firearms, they are not necessary and do not contribute to a healthy family environment.

  • Bad moods - this is a day for family fun! 

What to Bring

What NOT to Bring

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